4 Types Of Cockroaches In Ohio
Cockroaches are an enduring pest that is difficult to eradicate, and they can be found in various human-made structures in Ohio, including homes, apartments, and restaurants at all times of the year. Given their long history of over 300 million years, it is unsurprising that cockroaches in Ohio are tenacious survivors. These common pests are able to infest buildings at all times of the year, however, in Ohio they are especially common in the summer. This article will examine the types of cockroaches in Ohio, their flight capabilities, prevalence, and activity patterns. Additionally, it will provide various methods for eliminating cockroach infestations in residential or commercial settings.
1. American Cockroach

American Cockroaches are the most common cockroach species in ohio. This species on average measures about 4 cm in length, making them the largest peridomestic (common) Ohio cockroach. They commonly infest homes and commercial buildings located in metropolitan areas. However, in some cases they can be found in suburban areas. The American Cockroach is commonly mistaken for a waterbug, even though it is not aquatic. Despite being named the “American Cockroach,” these insects are thought to be from Africa and the Middle East, and were first introduced to America around the 17th century.
What You Should Know About American Cockroaches in Ohio
One of the first things you will notice about the American Cockroach is that they are most active in the dark. Often they will go into hiding when the lights come on or if you enter the room. We have found that American Cockroaches in Ohio prefer to hide in kitchen cabinets, between the floor trims, under appliances, and inside plumbing access points. To combat a small American cockroach problem we recommend wiping down and cleaning all countertops every day and making sure food is sealed away in containers. If the issue isn’t solved with these tactics, treatment by a professional will be sure to eliminate the problem.
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2. German Cockroach

The German Cockroach is on the smaller side compared to the other types of cockroaches in Ohio, and it is also the most common cockroach in the world. They are identified by tan colors, however in some cases they can be black. There are two dark colored, slightly parallel streaks or lines on the pronotum going from behind the head to the base of the wings. The German Cockroach can be found in commercial buildings and residential homes alike. These roaches, like many others, are attracted to food and garbage that was left out. Despite having wings, German Cockroaches can hardly fly and their wings merely provide them the ability to glide through the air when threatened.
German Cockroaches are considered to be the most dreadful cockroach infestation to have, however they are not as common as the American Cockroach in Ohio. These cockroaches become very destructive of the places they choose to infest, often significantly lowering the value of the home within a short amount of time. German cockroaches have a very short reproductive cycle which gives them the ability to rebound from treatments if done improperly.
3. Brown Banded Cockroach

The Brown-Banded Cockroach is distinctly different from other cockroaches in Ohio due to its unique banding pattern. Smaller than some of its cockroach cousins, it stands out with light brown bands across its wings and abdomen. Its coloration ranges from a tawny hue to a deeper brown, and the distinctive bands are a clear identifier for this species. Brown-Banded Cockroaches can be found across various habitats in Ohio, from commercial establishments to residential homes.
Like the German Cockroach, the Brown-Banded Cockroach is drawn to unattended food and garbage, but they also have a proclivity to inhabit higher locations in homes, such as upper cabinets or even ceilings. While they possess wings, these cockroaches are not adept fliers and prefer to scuttle about on surfaces.
Brown-Banded Cockroaches, though less notorious than the German Cockroach, are equally troublesome when they establish an infestation. Their ability to hide in a variety of locations and breed rapidly can make them a persistent problem. In Ohio, while they might not be as prevalent as the American Cockroach, their presence should be addressed promptly. A thriving Brown-Banded Cockroach infestation can quickly diminish the value and comfort of a living space, and their rapid reproduction means that any treatment needs to be thorough to prevent resurgence.
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4. Oriental Cockroach

The Oriental Cockroach is the second largest species of roaches in Ohio, typically measuring between 18mm and 19mm. Oriental Cockroaches have a darker body than other roaches in Ohio, typically brown or black in color. Male Oriental Cockroaches are identified by having long wings, unlike the female oriental cockroach which has smaller wings located just below the head. Oriental Cockroaches in Ohio can inhabit any place with sufficient hiding, although they do require locations with relatively high humidity.
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