The Pest Detective / Bed Bug Extermination / Does Bleach Kill Bed Bugs

Does Bleach Kill Bed Bugs? Find Out The Truth!

Hey there! If you’re dealing with bed bugs, it’s important to know that while bleach can definitely kill bed bugs that come into direct contact with it, it won’t necessarily get rid of all of them. Bed bugs are experts at hiding in tiny cracks and crevices in things like mattresses, box springs, walls, floors, and furniture near their food source (AKA, you!). So, while bleach can be somewhat effective as a short-term solution, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to have the home inspected by a professional.

does bleach kill bed bugs

Why Using Bleach To Kill Bed Bugs May Not Be Ideal

Does bleach kill bed bugs instantly? It may sound tempting, but using bleach may not be the best idea. Although bleach can be a potent killer, it is hazardous, can damage surfaces, and may not reach hidden bed bugs. Instead, consider using alcohol for spot treatment or ideally, call a professional exterminator like The Pest Detective. Using 91% rubbing alcohol can be a safer short-term solution to a bed bug infestation because it kills bed bugs on contact without posing as many health risks as bleach. Alcohol quickly evaporates and does not leave any harmful residues like bleach does, making it a safer option for you to use in your home. Additionally, alcohol is often more readily available than bleach and less expensive. However, like any treatment method, it is important to use alcohol safely.

Tips for Preventing Bed Bugs from Invading Your Property

Preventing a bed bug infestation starts with keeping a diligent eye out for them. Bed bug infestations can start in a number of ways, but the most common epicenters of bed bug outbreaks include hotels, self-storage facilities, hospitals (less likely because they often keep the issue under control), jails, and schools. When visiting these places, keep an eye out for bed bugs and if you see one then you should remove all clothing before entering your home and wash them on hot. It is important to understand bed bugs spread like wildfire and these measures alone might not be enough, so don’t hesitate to call an experienced pest control service such as The Pest Detective for a quick, easy, and safe process that does not include using bleach to kill bed bugs.

Get A Free Bed Bug Extermination Quote

Ohio’s best choice for bed bug extermination is The Pest Detective. Our expert team, comprehensive treatment, and 90-day warranty ensure total bed bug elimination so you and your family can get back to enjoying your home. Choose us for efficient, safe bed bug control.

About Us: Bed Bug Specialists

As a highly experienced pest control business, The Pest Detective is here to share our knowledge and help you regain peace in your home. We understand the critter issues that people face and provide specialized services to handle all pest problems, including bed bugs. If you’re dealing with a bed bug infestation or simply want to know more, give us a call. If you are interested in exploring home remedies and DIY options, read this article from the EPA: Do It Yourself Bed Bug Control. One thing is for certain though – when it comes to pest control, we’re the experts you can trust, and the question – does bleach kill bed bugs – is one The Pest Detective can answer with confidence!


Q. Does bleach kill bed bugs?

A: While bleach can kill bed bugs on contact, it may not be the best solution and generally is not recommended. Bleach can be harmful to fabrics and surfaces and doesn’t reach hidden infestations. For an effective solution to a bed bug infestation, contacting your local professional may be the best idea.

Q. How long does it take bleach to kill bed bugs?

A: Concentrated bleach will kill the majority of bed bugs almost instantly upon contact, however spraying concentrated bleach in your home is never advised due to the harmful residues it leaves behind. Diluted bleach can take 24-48 hours to kill bed bugs, but this method is also ill-advised. Instead, use 91% Alcohol for a quick bed bug knockdown that won’t stain your home or put family members at risk of chemical burn.

Q. What is the best method to control bed bugs?

A: Professional pest control is the most effective method to eliminate bed bugs. Home remedies like bleach or alcohol might not reach all areas of infestation.

Q: Can I handle a bed bug infestation on my own?

A: While some home remedies may provide temporary relief, a professional bed bug exterminator will ensure complete eradication.

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